Tinkerbell poses

Hey everyone.

I just started to make Poses. They are poselist compactible. So they will apear in your pose list.
 But I will give you the codes just in case of... :


CD is standing for Chantaldebora. ;)
I hope you will enjoy them.

By one of my poses the lip went wrong. But because this is my first pose package you do not blame me. Do you O.o?? It's the pose above. This is her side.

This you will see in your poseplayer :

Before downloading make sure you have Cmomoney's poseplayer!!!
You can get it here : http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=438706

here is the link of my poses : http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ab3y3mphy5y8wm4

I couldn't find a download button that works on here. So if anyone got one. Please say it :3

Have fun with it!!


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